
Patricia Ping Cui President and Broker Of Record (总裁及经纪人)
Team Leader
Ms. Patricia Ping Cui is an innovative entrepreneur, she is the president and broker of record of "Royal Lepage Real Estate Services Success Team, Brokerage" and the Team Leader of CondoAssignmentTeam.com. She had been a licensed realtor affiliated with Toronto Real Estate Board and Real Estate Council of Ontario Since year 2001. She started investing in real estate since early 1990's and had acquired abundant experience in buying and selling real estate successfully.
Patricia and her team focus themselves on selling and buying Toronto Condos, investment properties and Oakville luxurious properties. Toronto condo and Oakville homes natuarally became the team's working slogan and helping you is what we do!!! Far beyond 20 years of Canadian real estate experience, selling and buying condo assignments had been Patricia's market niche in the Toronto real estate market. She and her team have helped hundreds of assignors and assignees successfully completed condo assignments' deals and make smart investments' choices.
Patricia Cui had been an entrepreneur since her early 20's and successfully invested in Real Estate in China, Canada, U.S. since her early 20's and has obtained 20 years' of buying and selling real estate experience. Patricia had been continuesly achieved Royal Lepage National Chairman's Club awards! National Chairman's Club Award represents Top 1% of the more than 18,000 Royal LePage professionals Canada national wide!
崔萍,多伦多《Royal Lepage 成功置业》地产创始人及总裁,从2001年起在加拿大大多伦多地区从事地产投资及销售,拥有20年地产投资以及销售经验。她和她的团队专攻西区及奥克维尔豪宅买卖及投资,GTA二手房销售。《成功置业》麾下的《成功楼花转让团队》对于多伦多楼花转让,精品新楼盘发售占有特殊市场供应及销售渠道,团队创始人通过敏锐地判断楼花价值以及最佳转让时机满足客户的各种特殊需求,多年经验的累积对复杂的楼花转让程序运筹帷幄,确保客户永远占有主动权。崔女士是成功转让多伦多未入住楼花最多的资深经纪人!加拿大历史最悠久的地产百年老店Royal Lepage 1.8万多名地产精英中名列前1%, 多年蝉联主席大奖!!!
Perry Cheung Lawyer and Legal Consultant 律师及法律顾问

Perry Cheung was called to the Alberta bar in 2009 after.beginning his practice with one of Canada's national business law firms in Calgary Alberta. Currently he is an associated lawyer of ,..
Perry Cheung在加拿大阿尔伯省 (Alberta)的全国商务法律事务所之一开始他的实习后,于2009...
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Jen Chen Lawyer and Legal Consultant 律师及法律顾问

Jen is a licensed lawyer and a co-founding partner of JDC Law LLP.Her practice focuses primarily on managing real estate and corporate/commercial transactions. In particular, Jen enjoys represen representing clients....
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Annie Wang Marketing Assistant

Annie Wang is currently a student at the University of Toronto. She plays an important role on the Success Team creating Marketing Compaigns and and providing excellent customer service to potential clients.
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Ray Chen Broker, Executive Assistant

Ray has joined the Success Team in 2020 upon his graduation from University of Toronto, where he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.Ray has a great understanding of Assignment...
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Shawn Luan
Sales Representaive

Shawn Luan helped clients to find their dream home and accomplished their investment goals by using.his professional real estate skills and special understanding. More than 10 years living in ..
Shawn Luan 靠着丰富且扎实的专业知识以及对房地产投资方面独到的见解,不断地帮助客户找到...
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Richard Petruska
Sales Representative

JRichard Petruska is an accomplished real estate salesperson with a strong focus on assisting clients in residential and commercial real estate transactions. As a member of the Royal LePage Real Estate Services Success Team Richard brings a unique blend of expertise and knowledge to the table Richard's experience...
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Amy Shao Broker 房产经纪代表

Many years of real estate experience will provide you with high-quality and efficient professional services comprehensive housing planning. Proficient in applications from prestigious schools...
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Jane Fang Sales Representative 房产经纪代表

20 years residence of Toronto downtown, a sure downtown lover.Inspired by city skyline, unique architecture and history of Toronto down town buildings and new developments. 20 years working experience in top..
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Leon Li Broker 地产经纪代表

MBA Degree in US. Many year's business owner experience, Professional in franchise. Leon has been a sales representative for 3 years and helped many clients boost their asset He's....
Leon Li 拥有MBA学位以及多年商业经验。自三年前获得地产经纪执照以来,已经在房地产投...
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Chong Feng Sales Representative 房产经纪代表

CHONG FENG, many years of real estate awards winner, specializing in residential and commercial real estate investment in York Region and Toronto. He has an in-depth understanding of custom rebuild homes...
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Benny Lin Sales Representative 房产经纪代表

Knowledge and expertise in the real estate industry. Providing clients with accurate information to aid them in real estate transactions The scope of my services includes: home purchase. ...
Benny Lin,男,生于台湾。1994年美国加州留学, 1999年移居加拿大房地产经纪人执照,开始进行...
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Shirley Su Sales Representative 房产经纪代表

Shirley Su is a professional realtor and real estate tax expert Shirley is committed to providing the absolute best service to the clients and toprotectingclients best interests by managing their real estate...
Shirley Su是专业地产经纪,从业多年的专业地产经纪,专精于奥克维尔 密西沙加,多伦多市中心及列治文 ...
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Jenny Zhou Sales Representative 房产经纪代表

Professional, honest, caring, reliable, with plentiful experience related knowledge in real estate.I am the trustful one for you, to help you generate the most return on a property investment ...
专业、诚信、专注,值得信赖。丰富的房地产及相关专业知识和经验真诚对待每一位朋友,定能助 ...
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Helen Chow Sales Representative 房产经纪代表

More than 10 years experience as a professional realtor. Downtown Toronto resident for more than 28 years with experience in all the condo hotspots and new construction presales. A 15 year resident of Hong Kong ...
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Cathy Bi Broker 房产经纪人

Having lived in Toronto for over 25 years, Cathy knows the GTA very well and have excellent insight on its housing market She developed Cathy has also helped builders to accomplish....
Cathy Bi 移居多伦多二十五年多,熟悉大多伦多地区从南到北 由东到西的每个角落。我在大多伦多...
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Sanju Luthra Sales Representative 房产经纪代表

With over 25 years of technical sales experience in global telecommunications and IT, I am a Solutions Specialist at Bell, where I manage and execute a strategic business partner plan for Cisco Systems. I facilitate sales opportunities that contribute to exceeding sales targets for Cisco and Bell by acquiring new business for Meraki and Cisco solutions, including...
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Michelle Yu Sales Representative 房产经纪代表

Michelle is a young realtor with previous experience in a real estate brokerage working as an administrative role. After joining our condo assignment team, she has successfully made 3.
Michelle是一位90后的地产经纪。她之前在房地产公司做过前台和后台的工作。她加入成功楼花 ...
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Kelly Qin Sales Representative 房产经纪代表

Kelly Qin is licensed sales presentative with three-year experience in real estatefinanci alanalysis Currently she is Patricia’s assistant and working on the marketing and media platform management Kelly Qin..
Kelly Qin 是一个持证经纪并具有3年房地产金融分析经验。现担任Patricia 助理主要从事广告投放和市场营销...
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Liam Fu Deal Coordinator

Liam joined the Condo Assignment Team in 2023 after graduating from the University of Toronto with a degree in City Study & Regional Planning and Psychology. His deep knowledge of GTA ....
Liam于2023年加入了成功置业楼花转让团队,此前他在多伦多大学获得了城市研究与区域规划以及心理学学士学位 ...
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Chris Wong Sales Representative

Chris Wong is a passionate realtor serving Markham, Richmond Hill and Toronto. While he is relatively new to real estate, he brings over 25 years of experience as a IT specialist, allowing him to leverage cutting-edge...
Chris 是一位充滿熱誠的地產代理,主要服務萬錦市、烈治文山和多倫多地區。雖然他在地產行業相對較新...
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Vabby Makkar Sales Representative

With over a decade of licensing experience, Vabby brings a unique skill set that includes innovative real estate appraisal, particularly in commercial properties. Additionally, he is a proficient and astute luxury home builder, currently overseeing the management and coordination of several prestigious custom homes ranging between $5 million and $8 million in south Mississauga and Oakville.
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Leona Lyu
Sales Representative

"Passionate real estate agent dedicated to turning your dreams into reality. With market expertise and personalized service, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Let's find your perfect property together!"
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